What then is family?
My family spreads
past all I can count
so I cogitate
what does family mean
I don’t do keepsakes
Thank god I have a wife who does
She knows all the right details
So in a pinch I can function
And thus I get along
Being as I always was
I bury my feelings
or they would overwhelm me
It doesn’t look like love
but it must do
How can we really know but one or two
I am unified with but few
But as I see family
I surely could unify
with almost anyone
It may not happen, I don’t know
but I know that is true
I would do more
than I might have done back then
I’m talking about changing
to family seen as the whole, the all
See this consciousness
as a form of love
still unexplored
I don’t know what occasion
can give birth to what I mean
But it presses me to seek the
simple signs that speak this very revolution
Creation sings — can we hear
freedom to cross boundaries
as particles do
to be there and then not to be
Creation calls us
to venture past what we know
meeting up with mystery
all our fear of falling banished
merely to be free
to take a single step
Hello universe right here
eyes open to what is
One day you will be