If I say I met Charles Sanders Peirce in heaven I would not be telling the truth. All of these encounters have taken place here where I live and while the voices have not been the same I am a very good imitator and can easily suggest that it is not me I am with. I hasten to say that my relationship to the one I call Abba — the one who facilitates these talks — is no different. It is normal earth talk. None of the hassles of mediumship, no evidential problems. Do I know that I conversed with Peirce? No. But if I converse with Abba, as I believe I have done for decades, then the quality of the encounter leads me to say that I will be offering something I did not consciously know before the talk and I believe Peirce knew a good deal about me from things he said. Things are changing as I write. I have already surmised that Maya is not a fixed state of affairs any more. The same can be said of Karma. We may indeed be on the threshold of direct and easy communication with spirits or the other side. I am sure my own preference will be to call C. S. Peirce or anyone else I converse with, a person. Only there, the terms of materiality are entirely flexible. I am more and more convinced that my capacity is limited to what it is because if it were more tangible and evidential, I would not be able to handle it. My Kindle book Tractatus includes an account of my meeting with Wittgenstein, the only one of my encounters that was initiated from there.Someday I may create roundtable discussions among thinkers who never ceased their labors after “death”.. It is much easier to talk with Peirce or Wittgenstein than with people who are here.
Peirce says he knows how we became connected
He also knows well we are not the same
My knowledge of philosophy is cursory
In science and in math I am a dunce
My family and his once lived in Watertown
I will never know his inner pain
I now know how tentative his words were
His system’s still in progress, hardly done
Expressions then, he says, were never finished
He shares Ludwig’s frustration with all words
He pities those who try to understand him
They see skin of a thrice diminished onion
This conversation was brief introduction
Where it will go from here I hardly know
I feel I’m in the middle of his extremes
His scientific bent and all his mind supposed
He knows that I have followed at some distance
He knows what I am trying to do
He likes my phrase about reality
“Reality is all” does very well