It is never good to stay in a bad relationship
This is false in this respect. Bad relationships were always bad, merely unrecognized. Bad is simple. Its what hurts and harms. You might have a relationship where there is neither hurt nor harm done to you. Fine. Then work on things until you, casting no blame, decide to exit. Or stay.
But at the first and I do mean the first, sign of conscious harm or hurt, you need to note it and indicate in some way that it is not acceptable. If it continues you need to leave.
The only way to avoid hurt and harm is not to get in its way. We could create a world where leaving is much more easy than now. We could have a society where everyone has a private space that is inviolate. Lets be holistic enough to admit that as things are, the odds are stacked against good and fulfilling relationships.
But given the challenges, the answer is not to suffer and endure. If your significant other wants to shape up, become conscious, make a free decision to change behavior, he or she will let you know, and all may be well. If the situation worsens, leave. Find a way. Do not engage in false hope.
So yes. it’s not good to suggest one stay in a harmful or hurtful relationship.
© Copyright 2018 by Stephen Curtiss Rose @stephencrose on Twitter and Medium