It is entirely probable that Trump has never spent anything that was not a loan to him or his business. That’s the American way stretched taut and ready to snap. Trump is our leader in the disastrous march to debt beyond any reasonable limit. Our entire society is usurious. Trump is the king of debt by his own boastful admission. He may never have paid income taxes. The real estate industry is a feast of loopholes. Trump owes all over, particularly Russia.
But you know? Trump after making his boast swore up and down that he would not add to the debt of this country. He has added in his tax gift to the one percent enough to blow up our debt so that it will be even harder in the future even to pay interest on it. He broke his word but what else is new? The damages, immense and not far off.
Trump is so culpable that it is impossible to turn anywhere and find something that is decent or noble or even acceptable. Maybe he has a wrecking ball but I would say he has a larceny bag. It is being filled by the benefits he will reap because the only way he can function is to fill his own pockets. The rest is bull.
Mueller may expose him. Trump may seize power and con everyone into acquiescence. Things may come to a head. Or maybe he will cut a deal to save his lucre and his family. The country has been exposed for its own widespread underside and Trump as worse than a fraud and con artist. A true destroyer.
We wait and hope that justice may prevail. We look to other dictatorial regimes and realize how close we are to what we have been too blind to see on our doorstep.