How do I respond? If I say that the term spirit refers to entities who are related to soul and that we are spirits and that Jesus as I understand him agrees, you would in terms of your thought not agree. If I say that we have no basis for accepting the creedal assertion about resurrection, judgment and other creedal statements you will not agree and that is fine. Some believe these things and others believe, as I do, that Jesus was the resurrected one whose purpose was to show us his way. I also say his way is hardly all that is attributed to him in the canon. I believe the second coming refers to Jesus ongoing presence and availability in Heaven. He is available to all people and has no truck with religion. He is attested to by untold numbers with whom he communicates. I have certainly added to the statements with which you may not agree. But my purpose is not an effort to discredit churches ad religions but to suggest that we are in a time of exceptional movement in the direction of an evolution that is consistent with the unconditional love that is the essence of God and of Jesus. What I say is admittedly Biblically untrue as is much represented in the Bible as being true.