Alternative to Quitting Facebook
I quit FB emotionally when I got scammed by Messenger. Someone pretending to be a long lost friend. I frankly think FB is vulnerable.
What makes people stick around is a few folk you really care about are there. But I do not think quitting is necessary. If my close family friends who are there go somewhere else I will gladly quit. Otherwise I will do what I do. Nothing.
I am a passive FB user. Years ago I opted for Twitter as my main communications hub. It happens somehow that my Tweets get to FB automatically. That’s fine. I rarely if ever visit FB unless I see my daughter has posted something. I get little mail because I do not request most of what they want to send.
I have been who I am using my real name online forever, literally. I have so far avoided serious problems. When they come I have lots of choices. That’s the name of the game. I may leave FB tomorrow. But there is no pressing need at the moment to do so.
The alternative to quitting is to ignore if you have a reason to hold on.